Sensitive/sensitised skin

Those with sensitive skin display symptoms such as, redness to the skin, skin tingling, sensitivity to products and inflamed warm skin. I want to firstly talk about the difference between sensitive and sensitised skin. These conditions are very similar in symptoms but their causes are very different and therefore the approach will be different

Sensitive skin- This skin condition is what you are born with. This can be genetic and typically those with Fitzpatrick 1 skin or those people who suffer with lots of allergies will most likely have a sensitive skin type.

Sensitised skin- This skin condition normally forms through environmental factors. Typically use of chemical based products, the lack of SPF use, medication, stress and certain lifestyle types can trigger an impaired skin.

With sensitive skin it is so important to start off with a skin consultation. This is so that we can establish any triggers, and create a bespoke plan to repair your skin.

Below are some treatment suggestions that might be recommended to you.

Environ Comfort Calm

This treatment uses galvanic technology to push calming products into the skin. These products assist with calming, inflammation, redness and soreness. To finish off we will apply a calming mask to further reduce inflammation and heat from the skin.

Skin Glow

If you would prefer a non machine treatment then this is the treatment for you. This amazing treatment will cleanse and cool the skin, leaving your skin hydrated and calm.