Let's Talk Massage Beauty Blog

'Massage is not just a luxury. It's a way to a healthier, happier life.’

How do you fancy better sleep, less stress, pain relief, better moods, increased immunity, better hair and complexion, not to mention increased flexibility and reduced tension?

No, we haven’t discovered a miracle cure! It has been here waiting for you all along, all of these benefits are the benefits of massage.

Whatever your reason for wanting a massage, we have deep tissue, swedish, hot stones, lymph drainage, pressure point, thai, velvet back massage …we’ve got it all!

All of our massages will leave you feeling relaxed, but some are more focused on tension relief than others so we have given you a sliding scale between relaxation and tension relief below to help you pick the right massage for you.

Relaxation Muscle releif Sinus releif Detoxifying.jpg

Before your session

  • Avoid large meals prior to your session, instead opt for a light, easily digestible meal

  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine which would work against the effects of the massage

  • Hydration is important, drink water before, during and after your session


Please arrive a few minutes prior to your appointment to check in, and try not to rush, leave plenty of time to arrive relaxed and ready for your session. We have a free car park for you to use.

Your Massage experience

After signing in we will take you through to your treatment room. If it is your first time, we will go through a full consultation with you and make sure we tailor the right pressure, experience and oils to suit your needs. The therapist will leave you alone to to get ready and get yourself comfortable, then the therapist will knock to come back in the room.

The room is set up to fully enhance your experience, including a heated bed, fluffy blankets, oil diffusers and relaxing music.

After your Massage

Plan some extra time to visit our relaxation room after your treatment. Read a book, enjoy a cup of herbal tea, listen to our relaxing music, take some time to enjoy the feeling that having a massage brings, and come back to the real world slowly.

Throughout the day continue to drink lots of water, eat light and easily digestible meals and avoid exercise.

Try to keep the oils on your skin for 24hours to feel the full benefits.