Why it is important to see a Skin Expert

Skin is so important to many people but for a lot of people we can spend thousands on the wrong products. They’ve either been sold and they just aren’t right for your skin or you have picked something up from the shelf based on its look or price.

But is it actually good for you? It is important that your skin is seen by a skin expert and is looked after by a skin expert. Why? Well let me just look at it from a different angle. If you had a medical complaint you would go to a doctor. If you had a sore tooth you would go to the dentist. If you were struggling to see you would go to the opticians. Do you see where I am going with this? If you have a skin condition why would you not visit a skincare expert that can give you advice and give you the right products for your skin.

Seeing a skin expert allows you the best chance to healthier skin. We can give you the knowledge you need to go forward with the right products but also more importantly a true understanding of your skin. We do so many consultations where people just didn’t realise the way skin worked, what was needed to really make skin changes and a lot of the time people are simply using the wrong products for their skin.

When you visit Malvern Serenity for your skin one of the first things is that we need to do a consultation. We use a skin scan machine so that we can take a look at the skin as a whole and it is so interesting for you as our client to really see what’s going on under the skin. Here we can make you a plan that will work for your skin, we can educate you on your skin conditions and we can educate you on any changes you may need to make to see a difference

Remember, you wouldn’t not go to the dentist for your teeth check over so why wouldn’t you visit a skin expert for a skin check over.