Wellness Week Beauty Blog

Wellness Week

Here at Malvern Serenity our clients are what matter most to us.

We are kicking off a wellness week here at Malvern Serenity where we will be bringing you fresh tips Monday to Friday this week to freshen up your January and beat that new year fatigue.

Beauty from the inside out

To kick of Malvern Serenity's very own wellness week we are focusing on 'beauty from the inside out'

We believe that beauty comes from the inside, and we want to help you shine on the outside as much as you do on the inside.

Did you know that it takes six weeks for new skin to emerge up to the surface, so when you start a change in dietary habits, or start taking supplements our first tip is to have patience! Give the changes chance to take effect.

For glowing skin, cut back on saturated and hydrogenated fats which you can find in margarines and processed foods, limit foods high in sugar, such as cakes and biscuits and don't forget those 8 glasses of water a day!

Eat a rainbow diet, lots of raw vegetables, wholegrains, fresh fruit and fish.

Selenium helps to neutralize skin-damaging compounds before they can lead to wrinkles so stock up on brazil nuts, cashew nuts, fresh tuna, sunflower seeds, walnuts and wholemeal bread.

We stock advanced nutrition supplements as we believe their ethos 100% mirrors ours, the science behind their products is solid, and the results we have seen have been incredible.

'If you start from the inside to make healthy skin cells, you can achieve impressive results, so nutrition and supplements are the way forward for healthy skin.

Whatever the fabulous quality and magical ingredients in skin care ranges, if you only treat skin topically you are missing a major factor in skin care efficacy. Advanced Nutrition Programme can add that vital success factor. '

Interested to know more?

Why not come along to out 'skin deep' event in February (16th) to learn about skin care, supplements, nutrition and tips to make your skin shine.

Get your ticket here now for only £5.85 (£5 redeemable on purchases on the day)

Fighting Fatigue

January can be the hardest month of the year...there is a reason it is the host month of 'blue Monday'.

Here are our top tips to help fight that fatigue, including a free 7 day gym pass and 10% off bath salts!


New research suggests regular exercise can increase energy levels, and it is one of the simplest and quickest ways to boost your endorphins. We have teamed up with local gym, Fit3Sixty, to give our Malvern Serenity clients a free 7 day pass!

To claim your FREE PASS, simply email emma@fit3sixty.co.uk with the title ‘my 7 day pass’! 

Wellbeing focus

Focus in on your wellbeing and take charge of your energy levels. Did you know that massage can stimulate endorphins and serotonin to help improve energy and mood?

Research has also shown that float therapy can help to re-balance our sleep patterns which can be off-set by blue light technology, like TVs and phones, all this whilst also helping you to achieve a good night’s sleep. 

We have the float tank on a 50% offer in January, book now to make the most of the offer and fight that January fatigue.

Finally, take a bath! Kneipp Joint and Muscle Herbal Bath allows you to enjoy a beneficial bath of warming and invigorating qualities. Packed with valuable extracts of Arnica which have been used for centuries for sprains, bruises and wounds.

Kneipp Joint and Muscle Herbal Bath transforms your bath into a revitalizing agent for muscles and achy joints. By combining a warm bath with Arnica extracts this helps to invigorate the body and mind. 

Get 10% off Kneipp Bath products for the rest of January by showing us this blog when you come in to the salon.


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The partying, overload and excitement of the festive season are over, it's back to the grind and there is no surprise that January can feel like the gloomiest month of the year!

Let's just add on top of that some cold winter mornings, failed new years resolutions, the longest period before getting paid EVER, and again there is no surprise everyone feels so 'meh!'

SO, this week we have been doing our own Malvern Serenity wellness week to help beat those blues! 

Today's focus is on fulfillment, here are our 3 tips for finding your fulfillment.

Set Goals

1. Ditch those new years resolutions, and create long term changes, goals and realistic actions! Set the right goals, break them down one step at a time and just tick off lots of small steps, and you will feel far more fulfilled than failed unrealistic new years resolutions!

Here are some things you can do to help you right now:
- Make a plan on the Sunday for your week
- Food prep, cook in bulk to save time in the week, make eating healthy easy
- Create a morning routine that sets you up for the day!

We use coach Emma May to help us push the business in the right direction, we have sorted a Malvern Serenity set price of £150 for an initial half day strategy meeting with her so that you can set yourself up for a great 2019! Just contact her on the Real World Coaching website quoting 'malvern serenity strategy sess' (www.realworldcoaching.co.uk)

Make time for YOU

Making time for yourself isn't selfish, it is necessary. Remember, you can't help others unless you are in a good place yourself, so focus on giving yourself some 'you' time, and space to do the things that top up your energy. 

Think of activities as energizers vs drains, and balance out your time so you are focusing your energy into the places that energize you.

Do something new!

Do something new! Routine can get monotonous and hardly inspires energy, so get out, get moving and why not try something brand new 

Here are a few fun local activities we have picked out to get you moving:

- Amelia K's adults dance classes - https://www.facebook.com/ameliakacademy/

- Fit3Sixty Gym classes - ( 7 day free pass link above!)

- Melissa Porter Yoga -  https://www.melissaporteryoga.com

Want some ideas for how to use your 'you' time to relax? Here is a sneak peak at our February offers:

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Hydration is key, and we don't mean gin and tonic... although we are partial to the odd one!

Even mild dehydration adversely affects mental performance and increases feelings of tiredness. Not drinking enough can effect your memory, make you dizzy and make you lethargic. 

The average adult body is composed of 60% water and is vital in every body process and function, so hydration really is key!

Not only is hydration key for our body from the inside, but it is a vital part of our skin care routine, and one so often overlooked.

As we age, the skin is less capable of maintaining moisture and you need to hydrate your skin inside AND out. 

Here are our top tips to keep your skin hydrated:

- Don't use products that dry your skin like face wipes, or tea tree oil!

- Always keep your water intake to at least 6 glasses a day

- Always use an SPF when out and about to protect your skin

- Find a hydrating skin care routine that works for you

Why not try our brand new Katherine Daniels Age Defence Formulation for Dehydrated Skin?

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This salon strength cream uses an intelligent hydration process and turbo moisturizing ingredients to deliver a long lasting hydration boost.

Your skin barrier is fortified, protecting against the ageing effect of dehydration. Your skin is left smooth and plump, with renewed density and radiance.

Pick up your cream in-store, RRP £41, and the first 10 people to pick one up can grab a cream for only £37

Want some advice on the best skin care products to suit you? 

Don't forget you an book in skin care consultation with one of our skin experts here:

Weekend ready

It's the end of our wellness week, and it has been a pleasure, we hope our tips have helped you to fight this dreary January.

Our final day is a focus on getting ready for the weekend. 

Special occasions coming up?

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Here are our top tips for timings when getting weekend/special occasion ready

- Facials - leave around 48hours before your occasion to have your facial to see the most benefits.

- Have your tan the day before to let it take colour. Do not wax/shave immediately before your tan.
* Better still, imagine never having to worry about shaving again?! Have you tried our laser treatments yet?

- Did you know that done right a blow dry will carry you effortlessly through the weekend? Sleep on a silk pillow, loosely tie your hair up to sleep and use dry shampoo to give your hair a spruce to look great right through from Friday to Monday morning!

- Nails - if you are having your nails done in the week, don't forget to think ahead on outfits to match colours with your weekend outfit.

- If you are having your eyelashes done (LVL, extensions, tint) have them 48hours before the occasion so you can apply eye make up on the day.

Have a great weekend!