Why invest in Medical/pharmaceutical skincare?

This is a question we are asked on a regular basis. As skincare specialists, the entire team here at Serenity skin and Wellbeing clinic have a vast knowledge of the physiology and structure of the skin and what is needed to keep it healthy and looking good.

We stock 3 premium skincare ranges here in salon: Mesoestetic, Environ and clinicare. These brands all have the following in common:

  • Medical grade

  • Thorough testing for safety and effectiveness

  • 'clean' company policies (they are dedicated to sustainability and reducing the impact on the environment through recycling and reusable packaging)

  • Never tested on animals

  • The best quality ingredients

  • Clinical studies to ensure product effectiveness

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY- penetrates dead skin layers which high streets brands do not

this means that by choosing a premium brand such as this, you can be sure you are getting the best quality. You are not paying for a brand name or celebrity endorsement, you are choosing skin changing products.


An example of these quality ingredients?

Most clients will be aware of hyalauronic acid. This is a very popular ingredient in skincare products for its moisturising abilities; it can hold over 1000 times its own weight in water. It is available in many cheaper brands as well as our own ranges. However, there is a big difference. Hyalauronic acid in premium brands has had its molecules altered in size, meaning it can properly penetrate the skin and work on a deeper level where it is needed. Cheaper products will give a moisturising effect on the skin surface but will not have more than a superficial cosmetic effect.


Prior to converting to our products, we notice that a lot of clients are already using EXPENSIVE skincare. However, the majority of these high street brands charge their value because of brand names and celebrity endorsements rather than results. Often, the top selling point for these products will be the scent, which has no bearing on the effectiveness or skin changes. This is frustrating for us as skincare professionals, as we know this is little more than a marketing tool to sell products that often don't live up to expectations.


By joining our skin plan at Serenity, you will not only get the best quality ingredients in to your skin but a dedicated skin therapist. We are passionate about helping you achieve the best skin possible, and with our knowledge and experience we can help you achieve these results. Stop trend buying and start your bespoke plan today!

Call our reception team today to start your skin journey; from an in depth skin consultation through to treatment plans and product recommendations we are here to help you.

Or alternatively click here to book a skin consultation

Fiona x