Lockdown Skin!

The Lockdown skin! 

I have had so many people get in touch with me because their skin is displaying new symptoms that it NEVER has before. This commonly has been breakouts, but I have also had a lot of people contact me because their skin has lost life. I firstly want to say that you are not alone, so many people are experiencing lock down skin and there are sooo many reasons as to why you may have lock down skin. I AM HERE TO HELP!

I want to talk about the most likely main cause of the lockdown skin- stress. This has been such a stressful time for EVERYONE. It’s important to understand that everyone’s lives have changed, and this does cause stress. With stress we promote the stress hormone Cortisol- this is turn stimulates hormones and our body to be in fight or flight mode which can cause our skin to become weak and imbalanced. It is so important you do activities that can help reduce stress, whether that’s exercise, long walks, baths, facial massage, meditation find what works for you to try and reduce your stress levels. 

The second biggest cause I feel is a contributing factor is that people are wearing less makeup. Although I am not a big advocate of chemical based makeup and I am a big believer in wearing a clean makeup I feel that foundation causes a barrier to the environment. Jane Iredale is simply amazing for this and because its clean it also acts as skincare throughout the day, but I feel that even chemical-based makeup will provide a certain degree of protection from the outside world. This means are skins are more venerable to bacteria and the harmful rays- now more than ever we should be using a daily SPF as so many more people are now sitting in front of their computers all day! Whilst I am on this subject A LOT more people are using their mobile phones more without headphones. When your phone is next to your face for long periods of time it generates heat to the skin which not only can cause spots, but it can also cause ageing. If you are using your phone regularly, I would highly recommend investing in a set of headphones. 

The third cause (which will apply to those people wearing PPE for long hours of the day), PPE will cause dry skin, blisters, scarring, pigmentation. The reason being that it’s a constant irritant to the skin, it causes friction and the skin becomes more starved of oxygen. Not only this but because of the heat produced under PPE you are going to be more prone to sensitive, breakout skin. 

The last cause is that, let’s face it, not many people have been as good with their diets as they normally would have been. There are so many people I know that are consuming way more sugar and I will put my hands up and admit that I’ve done the same. A lot of people are either stressed and craving sugar, bored and doing more baking or just eating more! Sugar can have huge impacts on the skin as sugar depletes the skin of its vital vitamins and breaks down collagen! 

So how can I help? I am going to talk you through just a few products I can recommend to help combat the lockdown skin. 


Skin Vit C- Advanced Nutrition programme have now reformulated this product to make it even stronger! It is packed full of Vitamin C to help aid skin immunity and protect our skin. Not only this but Vitamin C is great to provide Anti-inflammatory, reduce redness, helps with skin healing, helps to reduce scarring and repair broken capillaries AND promote collagen this is a no brainer product for me in lockdown. This product retails at £30 for a two month supply. 

Skin Youth Biome- This is the first ever probiotic in the world that not only tackles the gut but also the skin! It is important to have true gut health in order to have healthy skin as our skin is very responsive to our gut. This product contains 5 different types of live bacteria to feed the gut with what it needs to be healthy! This product is so amazing to tackle congested, dry and dull skin and I truly LOVE this supplement. This retails at £55 for a two month supply.


Sebumask- Sebumask will be more for those people who mainly have the issue of spots- its full of Sacylic acid to clear out the pores, Lactic Acid to exfoliate and hydrate and tea tree for disinfect the skin. This mask retails at £43.


Revival mask, this product is AMAZING this product is for those who need to rejuvenate, hydrate, anti-age, firm and want to improve skin texture. This mask contains three acids which help to stimulate growth factors (these are needed for skin regeneration), promote hydration and even skin tone.  This mask retails at £55.

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Powder me SPF- for those people who want to go makeup free then this is the product for you. This product comes in translucent but also comes in 4 other colours that just provide a nice glow. This is a mineral SPF that will not only protect your skin from the environment but also from the harmful rays. Its so easy to use and quick to use. This product retails at £36.


When the salon opens back up the BEST treatment for lockdown skin would be either our Skinpen or our Environ Cool Peel Moisture Boost! If you contact us at the salon we will be able to individually recommend!

If you purchase 3 or more of these products I honour a 10% discount when you quote BLOG10

