Back Acne and how to treat it

Its something which can cause so much pain but we can hide so easily. Backne. Backne can be so incredibly painful, uncomfortable and extremely hard to treat. Backne can be caused by a number of factors, some of these factors you can change from home and some require expert skin help.



This is quite a common problem with Backne, our hormones can stimulate your skin to produce thick oil and cause congestion within the skin causing spots to flare up. 



We need to wear clothes on our back and this is where things can get tricky. Clothes can cause friction and heat to produce meaning that we harvest more bacteria on our skin. Avoid those fabrics that cause back sweating.


Shampoo and Conditioner


When we shower it is very common to leave shampoo and condition residue on the back- this can cause the skin to become very irritated and dry and in turn cause spots. Try always washing your back last.



If you are someone that has a manual job or is quite active then this can play an important factor. Stimulating heat and sweat through our lifestyle is a big contributor of Backne. Always try and be conscious of this and wash your back regularly



So how can we help? Well here at Malvern Serenity we have a few options in how we can help your journey towards healthier skin on your back. 


Firstly we have our amazing Skin Accumax Skin Supplements. These work by reducing that thick oil in the skin and ensuring that the skins function is working in a much healthier way. This Skin Supplement contains Vitamin A, C and E to feed the skin with what it needs. 


We also have two AMAZING treatments to help treat Backne inside the salon. Firstly we have our Lumineo LED light treatment. The blue LED light helps to reduce bacteria, inflammation and aid skin healing. A course of 8 is recommended for best results. You can book the Lumineo Treatment here-


 If you are someone that is suffering with really dry skin on the back then our Velvet Back Treatment is the one for you. This treatment comes with a lavender back exfoliation; lavender is known for its calming properties. You will then enjoy a lovely 25 Minute Back Massage and then we will then place a detoxing mask to help reduce the congestion on the skin. You can book this treatment here-


If you quote Back15 we will give you 15% off your first treatment. 

