The power of Microneedling

So many people have heard the term micro needling but they do not actually know what is entailed. Mircroneedling can sometimes be confused as a facial treatment but it is actually an Aesthetic face treatment. It requires downtime but the results if a course is done is INCREDIBLE. So how does micro needling work? Microneedling causes lots of micro injuries to the skin to get your own skin to produce its healing collagen (type 3 and 1 collagen). This treatment is amazing for anyone wanting to improve photo aged skin, wrinkles, loss of firmness, scarring, stretch marks and pigmentation. In fact the only skin conditions it doesn’t treat are those where sensitive skin comes into play. We use Skinpen Microneedling technology which is the ONLY FDA approved micro needling product on the market- This micro needling pen delivers up to 90,000 micro injuries per minute to give a truly remarkable result.

So what does the treatment entail? Firstly we will cleanse your skin, then we apply a topical anaesthetic and we leave it on for 30 minutes to allow your skin to numb. Once the skin is numb we can then get started with the treatment- We will test your skin tolerance and decide what length to use on the Skinpen. After your treatment you will feel almost sunburnt and your skin will be red, we always recommend that you go home straight after a Skinpen and work on keeping the skin completely clean. Around day two post treatment your skin will begin to peel and this is the re generation process, after 5 days your skin will normally go completely back to normal.

It is recommended to have a course of 4-6 treatments which is done once a month.

Take a look below at these amazing results below just after ONE treatment

Get in touch with us today if you would like to book your consultation and transform your skin!
