Our top 5 tips for Skin Hydration

Is your skin feeling dry after the summer sun? Here are our top 5 tips to a more hydrated skin!


1- Water, water, water... oh and a slice of lemon! Feed your body from the inside out with fresh water and a nice slice of lemon. The lemon will help to detoxify your skin!


2- Do not over exfoliate- I know right this is what you are told TO DO. But actually if you over exfoliate you can remove the skin with all its must needed nutrients and confuse your skin! It is highly recommended to also avoid granular exfoliators as this disturbs the protection layer of your skin. It is recommended to stick with AHA and BHA based exfoliators. 


3-Stress can play HAVOC with our skin, make sure you take you time out in whatever way you find helps to reduce stress. 


4-Sleep, our skin needs sleep to repair itself, the less sleep you get the less bright your skin will look and feel. 


5- Avoid any cleansers which strip the skin, I commonly hear the phrase ' it makes my skin feel clean and tight after i use it' well this does not mean your skin is clean but means that your skin has been stripped of everything it needs.


Why not book in for one of our amazingly hydrating facials and allow us to help you BOOST your skin hydration. Here are my two favourite recommendations: